I went down to Jekyll Island on Friday, July 8 specifically to see 3 sea turtles released.  I have been a supporter of the Sea Turtle Center for a number of years, and was excited to finally see a release.  The two smaller sea turtles were Kemps Ridleys, and had only been at the Center for a few months each, with minor ailments.  Billy and Hubcap seemed happy to be back in the sea and quickly swam away.  The loggerhead turtle, named Hupp, had been rescued in Massachusetts, and spent several years there.  When they tried to release her she had not been able to swim away.  But after more rehab time in Georgia, she seemed very excited to see the ocean in front of her.  It took her a few moments and then she, too, was off.  It was very emotional watching these 3 endangered sea turtles be returned to their ocean home.