The first stop on my Great Train Adventure that will take me all the way to Vancouver, British Colombia is: Washington DC. After an overnight from Savannah, GA I was walking towards the Mall by 8:00AM. From Union Station past the Capital Building to the Museums along the Mall and on past the Washington Monument to the Reflecting Pool and the Lincoln Memorial – and more!! It was a busy 6 1/2 hours!!
I love Washington DC and have a long history with it, beginning with when I lived in Alexandria, Virginia in the mid-1960’s. I love the monuments and the museums and just the feel of the place – our nation’s capital – there is no where else like it.
When we lived in Alexandria, my ex-husband was in the Army and we were VERY poor plus he was working many hours as they prepared to go to Viet Nam. So on Sunday, his one free day, we would drive into Washington DC, stopping for our one meal out a week at McDonald’s, and then visiting one of the free museums each week. I also remember visiting Union Station, which was and still is a marvel of a train station.
Every time I return there are many memories, including bringing my children when they were small. I never tire of it.
The Capital Bulding has been under renovation for several years.
I was hot so the fountains all looked very inviting.
Museum of Natural History
Centerpiece of the Lobby of the Museum of Natural History.
I'm going to the Butterfly Exhibition!
These blue butterflies were everywhere and so beautiful but I couldn't get a picture with their wings open, so had to resort to this.
Fossilized Wood.
Lurking outside in the bushes.
In the Sculpture Garden.
Even the cafe was beautifully sculptural - and my lunch was delicious.
It was delicious!!
The Museum of American History.
My memory of the Mall back in the 60's was of a beautiful swathe of green in the midst of all the museums, but in my 3 visits in the last 9 years it is always a mess - torn up, barricaded, and not the least attractive.
Outside the Art Museum - reminded me of the courtyard at the Lourve.
I don't know whose monument this is, but liked the look of it.
World War II Memorial.
Lincoln Memorial
A sign of our times.
Washington Monument.
Noble sentiments.
What a great man - this always moves me to tears.
Vietnam Veterans Memorial
Acknowledging the disproportion of young black men that lost their lives in Viet Nam.
Acknowledging those who have died of related illnesses since, such as my e-husband, who died of liver cancer at age 51, a result of Agent Orange.
Acknowledging the many nurses who served in Viet Nam and saved so many lives.
The new Museum of African American Art, not yet open.