After a few days in Atlanta seeing some of my retired UCC Ministers (a job I do with the Pension Board) I headed south to Americus, GA to visit the site of Habitat For Humanity’s Global Village. Habitat For Humanity has so far built affordable housing in 70 different countries around the world since their beginning in 1976. To date they have helped to build over 800,000 houses.
Way back in the 1980’s I helped build several Habitat For Humanity homes in Elkhart and Goshen, IN with two youth groups. It is an organization I have always admired, as it helps people take a step toward a better life with good, affordable housing that they have helped to build. Sweat equity is always a part of each family acquiring their new home.
After seeing a short film in the Welcome Center, I went out into the Global Village. You begin with some actual homes from many parts of the world. It is unbelievable and heartbreaking to see how some people are forced to live. And then, the path leads you on to see some of the homes that Habitat For Humanity has actually built around the world. They vary depending on the part of the world, but all are far better than what people previously lived in. It gives you a real sense of hope, as you think about all those lives being changed. Visiting the Global Village was a marvelous experience.
Welcome Center
A look into poverty.
No windows or doors.
No privacy.
No running water.
No electricity.
Dirt and disease.
A bed if you are lucky.
Or just blankets on the floor.
Your only transportation.
Mexico. Building since 1988.
The privacy of a door and your own courtyard.
A clean, bright place to live.
Guatemala. Building since 1979. The rooms all in a row off the porch.
The "kitchen".
Local materials are used to build.
Haiti. Building since 1984.
Just the one small room.
Kenya. Building since 1982.
A cement floor protects against disease.
Botswana. Building program currently suspended.
Protection against mosquitos.
Malawi. Building since 1985.
Real windows with glass!
Uganda. Building program currently suspended.
An outhouse.
Ghana. Building currently suspended.
Bath and kitchen in separate building.
Zambia. Building since 1984.
Uganda. Building since 1983.
South Africa. Building since 1996.
Reflects the higher standard of living in S. Africa.
Democratic Republic of the Congo.
Began building in 1974 as the first national project.
Tanzania. Building since 1979.
India. Building since 1983.
Sri Lanka. Building since 1994.
Papua New Guinea.
Building since 1983.
And not to forget: there is poverty and substandard housing here at home. There are 12 million Americans in substandard housing.