One of the things I like best about staying off the Interstates and traveling on smaller, less busy roads, is that you never know what you may discover.  Some of my stops are planned, but some of my very favorite stops were unexpected surprises.  Fort Southwest Point was one of these.  I was driving on a two-lane road, making my way south through Tennessee, enjoying the pleasant view of a lake, when I came across Fort Southwest Point on a hill.  Had to stop and explore.

In the early 1800’s this part of Tennessee was very much an outpost.  It must have been a very quiet life being stationed here.  Several of the men volunteered to go with Lewis and Clark on their journey west – one suspects the ones getting a bit bored and looking for an adventure!  And did they ever get it!

This was the first Federal Fort in Tennessee, open from 1797 – 1811.  Nothing much ever happened here, and that may be the best thing you can say about a fort.  The peaceful atmosphere remains today, with recreation around the lake and a nice walking path and even very clean bathrooms.