As I left Orlando last Saturday I made my way to Winter Park, and the Morse Museum.  This is my third visit to the largest collection of Tiffany art there is.  I have always loved the decorative art of Louis Comfort Tiffany, and so it was a real thrill when I discovered the Morse Museum some 15 years ago.

Hugh and Jeanette McKean also loved Tiffany’s work, and took it upon themselves to start collecting it. Hugh McKean had studied art at Tiffany’s Laurelton Hall estate in the 1930’s.  Tiffany’s work became less popular in the 1950’s and when the McKean’s started collecting, they discovered Laurelton Hall had been abandoned after Tiffany’s death and many pieces had just been left there.  After a fire, the estate was pretty much just forgotten.  When the McKean’s visited they discovered many works of art still there, and began collecting Tiffany in earnest, in order to save these important works of American art.  They even manage to find and restore the many pieces of the Chapel that had been a centerpiece of the 1893 Chicago’s World Fair.