Today the Milwaukee Art Museum is one of the largest art museums in the United States.  Begun back in 1888 when Milwaukee was just a small port town on Lake Michigan it has expanded over the years until today it is one of the most amazing museums I have visited.  The current building, built in 1975, is itself a work of art, inside and out.  When I was here before they had not yet built the latest galleries, which were finished in 2015.  I spent a very enjoyable afternoon here, and then had an equally enjoyable walk back to my hotel.  The temperature in the 70’s and the breeze off the lake were such a refreshing change after another brutal summer in Savannah.

The collection is huge, covering such a wide range from antiquity to the present.   I especially liked the way much of the art was grouped – not just lines of paintings on a wall.  It is an amazing place.  I love it!!