After all my trips to Atlanta, I finally made it to their Art Museum. It is very nice, housed in an attractive purpose-built building. They also had a nice cafe, where I enjoyed having lunch. Having so recently been to the Milwaukee Museum of Art, which is truly world-class, I had a little trouble adjusting to the High. It was very nice, and I saw things I really liked, and I enjoyed my day.
High Museum of Art
The building is part of the art.
They had a wonderful interactive children's area
I love sculpture.
Terra Cotta - unusual medium.
Mable is so fluid.
Marble bust of Abraham Lincoln, one of many made after his assassination.
They had 2 Monets.
I also love decorative art.
And stained glass.
Mary Cassat, the only woman remembered from the Impressionists.
15 Native American chiefs by Imman.
Commemorates Kaino's protest when he won the Gold Medal in 1968.
It was such a turbulent time, and black protest was just beginning.
We didn't see the title as racist back then.
A bridge of raised fists, hoping to bring us to a better understanding of the racism in our world.