My 12-year-old granddaughter Lily and I visited our newest museum in Savannah this week. The African Art Museum is the private collection of a Savannah man, acquired over a period of 30 years. He wanted to share it with the community, and we are truly blessed here in Savannah to have such a wonderful collection available to us. As you will see, the art is just spectacular, all displayed in one of our beautiful vintage homes. Unfortunately, our tour guide was not the best, so I gave my camera to Lily to keep her occupied. And she did a wonderful job! Both of us loved the art.
Lily, my museum pal and today's photographer.
A powerful depiction of people being led to the coast by other Africans to be sold as slaves.
The elephant tusks are for royalty.
We saw many images of snakes.
The faces varied as we moved through different parts of Africa.
This robe was used to celebrate someone recently dead.
Considered a magical outfit.
Everyone loved the carved snail.
Lily wanted you to see how tall this sculpture was.
A warrior princess.Another
Another outfit used in magic ceremonies.